Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Back to 'real' life

E and I are on our own again. M began his long trip back to the sandbox tonight. This last week was more than I could have ever hoped for, and I've spent a lot of time thanking God for me falling off that darn horse. M was a wonderful help and I barely had to lift a finger (aside from our new sport of E-wrangling - two people are just not enough to get a diaper on that kid). We're optimistically heading into this last leg of the deployment, with only around about a third of the 15 months left. Time is going to fly. I hope.


Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

Wonderful pictures! I'm glad the accident turned into a blessing and that you were able to see your hubby. Hopefully, these last five months will go by in a snap!

Burgh Baby said...

All of the photos are wonderful, but I especially love the one of E holding your hands.

Hopefully this will be the last goodbye for a very, very long time. Be sure to tell M to keep safe while he's in the sandbox.

Stacy said...

Those are great pictures of your little family! Sorry to hear you had an accident, but it seems to have turned into a blessing.

Jayme Q said...

I'm a little late, but these are such great pictures! I really hope the remaining time goes by quickly for you guys.